COVID 19 Policies

COVID 19 Policies

by John Stinson -
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To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the following studio use procedures are now in effect until further notice.

It is required that all employees and visitors wear face coverings while on TRCOA premises. Exceptions are listed below:

a. when the person is alone in a separate single space, whether indoors or outdoors;

b. when the person is in the presence only of other members of the same household or residence, whether indoors or outdoors;

c.  when doing so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or security risk;

d. when the person is outdoors engaging in an allowed activity while alone, or with only members of the same household or residence, or while maintaining a consistent separation of six feet or more from others and engaging in conduct authorized and as allowed by Governor's OrderGA-26or subsequent executive order; or

e. when the person is eating or drinking in a restaurant or bar.


1. After entering your studio door code, you must immediately wash your hands. Avoid touching any unnecessary surfaces until doing so. You may prop the door to allow your artists time to load in.
2. Hand sanitizer, sanitization spray, sanitization wipes, and electronic wipes are distributed throughout the studio. Spray and/or wipe down all surfaces using the appropriate products, including door knobs, before and after your sessions. Especially use electronic wipes on any equipment used in your session.
3. Wipe down any mics or headphones your artists will be using before and after your session.
4. Under no circumstances can 10 or more people be at the studio.Do not allow non-essential personnel at your sessions. Remember: Cameras are being monitored at all times.
5. ALWAYS maintain a 6 foot distance at all times and do not allow any interpersonal contact.
6. You MUST dispose of any and all trash items used during your session in trash bags, then take the trash bag out to the trash bins located on the street side of the roundabout. New trash bags are kept under the bathroom sink.
7. Use the UV Light Sanitizer Wand on microphones or any other gear to sanitize before use.